Ashton Coal Operations Limited Ashton Coal Operations Limited


Community Support Program

Ashton Coal is committed to making a positive contribution in the areas in which it operates. To help facilitate this commitment, Ashton Coal has established the Community Support Program to provide assistance to local initiatives within the Singleton Local Government Area (LGA) and surrounding communities.

The aim of the Community Support Program is to help benefit a wide range of community needs such as education, environment, health, infrastructure projects, arts, leisure and research. 

Projects that are closely aligned with Ashton Coal’s core values of enhancing the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the local community will be considered. The Program seeks to target a whole range of community needs such as education, environment, healthcare and aged services, infrastructure projects, arts, leisure and research throughout the Singleton Local Government Area (LGA) and surrounding communities.

For further information please read the Community Support Program Guidelines and Application Form.

For applications to be considered, they must be lodged by 27th September 2024